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Version: v2.7.x LTS

Configuring Zowe Chat

Configuring Zowe Chat

To complete the configuration of Zowe Chat, you must complete the individual configuration steps listed below.

  1. Configure Zowe Chat server
  2. Configure z/OSMF endpoint information
  3. Configure chat tool information

Zowe Chat server configuration#

You can configure the Zowe Chat server by editing the chatServer.yaml configuration file.

  1. Go to the Zowe Chat configuration directory by running the following command:

    cd $ZOWE_CHAT_HOME/config
  2. Edit the chatServer.yaml configuration file. Customize the default values based on your needs, for example, your chat tool.

    # Specify the type of chat tool. Currently, 'mattermost', 'slack' or 'msteams' are the supported values.# The default value is mattermost.chatToolType: mattermost
    # Configure logginglog:  # Specify the log file path  # The default value is chatServer.log  filePath: chatServer.log
      # Specify the level of logs, the value can be error, warn, info, verbose, debug or silly.  # The default value is info.  level: info
      # Specify the maximum size of the file after which it will rotate. The value can be a number of bytes without any unit  # or a number suffixed with 'k', 'm', or 'g' as units of kb, mb, or gb separately.  # The default value is null, which means the file size is unlimited except operating system limit.  maximumSize: null
      # Specify the maximum file number of logs to keep.  # The default value is null, which means only one log file and no logs will be removed.  maximumFile: null
      # Specify whether the console output is suppressed or not. The value can be true or false.  # The default value is true, which means the console output is suppressed.  consoleSilent: true
    # Specify the chatting limitlimit:   # Specify the maximum number of resources that chatbot can retrieve for you.   record: 10   # Specify the maximum number of plugins that can respond to the same matched message or event.   plugin: -1
    # Specify what security challenge method when accessing backend resource from chat tool channels. The value can be webapp, dialog or passticket.# The default value is webapp# Note: dialog and passticket is not supported at presentsecurityChallengeMethod: webapp
    # Specify the configuration for Chat Web AppwebApp:  # Specify the protocol of your HTTP endpoint. The value can be https or http.  # The default value is https.  protocol: https
      # Specify the host name or IP address of your HTTP endpoint.  hostName: <Your hostname>
      # Specify the port number of the endpoint will serve the Chat Web App.  # The default value is 7702.  port: 7702
      # Specify the base path of your HTTP endpoint.  # The default value is /zowe/chat/index  basePath: /zowe/chat/index
      # Specify the absolute file path of the TLS key (PEM) if HTTPS protocol is specified.  tlsKey: <Your absolute TLS key file path of your messaging server>
      # Specify the absolute file path of the TLS certificate (PEM) if HTTPS protocol is specified.  tlsCert: <Your absolute TLS cert file path of your messaging server>

Zowe Chat z/OSMF endpoint configuration#

Zowe Chat is configured to run against a single z/OSMF server. You describe your z/OSMF server information by editing the zosmfServer.yaml configuration file.

  1. Go to the z/OSMF server configuration directory by running the following command:

    cd $ZOWE_CHAT_HOME/config
  2. Edit the zosmfServer.yaml configuration file. Customize the default values based on your system .

    # Specify the protocol of your Z/OSMF server. The value can be https or http.# The default value is https.protocol: https
    # Specify the host name or IP address of your Z/OSMF server.hostName: <Your host name>
    # Specify the port number of your z/OSMF server.# The default value is 443.port: 443
    # Specify whether self-signed certificates are rejected or not. The value can be true or false.# The default value is truerejectUnauthorized: true
    # Specify authentication type. The value can be token or password# The default value is password# Note: token is not supported at presentauthType: password
    # If you prefer all bot requests against mainframe services to use a single service account, set to trueserviceAccount:   # Enable or disable the service account. The value can be true or false.  # The default value is false.  enabled: false
      # Service account id. if service account is enabled, this information is required.  user: <Service account ID>
      # Service account password. if service account is enabled, this information is required.  password: <Service account password>

Chat tool configuration#

Zowe Chat's chat tool configuration varies depending on your choice of chat tool.


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