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Interface IConfigAutoStoreFindAuthHandlerForProfileOpts

Defines the options used by the ConfigAutoStore._findAuthHandlerForProfile function




Optional cmdArguments

cmdArguments: ICommandArguments

CLI arguments which may specify a profile

Optional config

config: Config

Team configuration properties Overrides ImperativeConfig.instance.config

Optional defaultBaseProfileName

defaultBaseProfileName: string

Default base profile name Used if cmdArguments == null

Optional defaultProfileName

defaultProfileName: string

Default profile name used if no profiles matched the search for active profiles Used if params == null

Optional params

CLI Handler Parameters to use when searching for the active profile

Optional profilePath

profilePath: string

JSON path of profile

Optional profileProps

profileProps: string[]

List of properties required in the profile schema

Optional profileTypes

profileTypes: string[]

Optional profile types to look for Used if params == null

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