Ensure the Credential Manager is initialized for team config.
Apply overrides to all applicable facilities and use our defaults where an override is not provided.
the current {@link Imperative#loadedConfig}
the current package.json
Initialize the Credential Manager using the supplied override when provided.
the current {@link Imperative#loadedConfig}
the current package.json
specify True if team config is active
After the plugins and secure credentials are loaded, rebuild the configuration with the secure values
Check if the DefaultCredentialManager which uses keytar should be enabled. We require that keytar is listed as a dependency in package.json, and one of the following is true:
The current package.json of the CLI package
Specify True if team config is active
True if DefaultCredentialManager should be used
Generated using TypeDoc
Imperative-internal class to load overrides You should not need to call this from your CLI.